Wednesday 15 January 2014

CUE THE HORROR THEME MUSIC - The Graves of the Insane

1460 - 1674
The Bethlem Royal Hospital for the Insane, London.

The world's first hospital dedicated to housing the insane, where they were kept in squalid conditions, chained and effectively naked: a place of such horror that the nickname for it became a word for an uproar or confusion - Bedlam.

Cue the Horror Theme Music...

July 2011
Liverpool St Station, London.

Extensions to the station uncovered a cemetery containing 20,000 skeletons including patients of Bedlam Asylum.

So, remember, once the extensions are complete, if it's ever late at night and you're at the Liverpool St Station and there's not many people around... you are not alone.  With you are the disturbed remains of hundreds of the insane - mistreated while they were alive and out for REVENGE!

Cue the Horror Theme Music...

~ DUG.

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